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Drawing their influences from bands like Pixies, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Blur, Weezer, Hole, Wilco and Beck, EUT make a sensational debut with a good dose of energy injected into sounds inspired by the 90s.

Along with the charismatic and energetic Megan de Klerk, the band creates beautifully composed songs with captivating melodies - very catchy pop songs that talk about youth and the transition to adulthood.

EUT are as dynamic as weird, and never sound too perfect. EUT members,

met during their art studies at the university in the Netherlands, and founded their group in 2016. The first single, "Supplies", was released in June 2017

via the Dutch independent label V2 Records. EUT immediately seduced, and received support from Dutch national radios like 3FM, which included them

on their "Talents 3FM" list.

EUT also toured the Netherlands as part of the nomad festival Popronde, generating an amazing response of the audience, attracting the attention of Media and many journalists, they have frequently been part of the "Groups to Watch in 2018".

After several concerts at the Eurosonic Noorderslag 2018 festival, the 3voor12 multimedia platform has officially elected them "best performance of the festival". And it's not over, Deezer announced that the EUTs were part of their artists to follow, "Deezer Next Acts," from 2018.

EUT was part of the prestigious festival Transmusicales de Rennes in France last December, we had the chance to speak about the experience and about their daily life and adventures as a band.

Introducing the amazing band, EUT.

Thank you to:

Rencontres Trans Musicales de Rennes

Jeremy Méléard (Soundpress Agency - Transmusicales)

Justine Debicki & Camille Duault (Boogie Drugstore)

Interview by:

Fanny Delorme

Francisco Fonseca


EUT - Crack The Password

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Fool For The Vibes 

V2 Records Benelux 

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